South Sudan government, rebel groups sign peace pact

Commitment to Peace: South Sudan Government and Rebel Groups Sign Historic Agreement

On May 16, 2024, a significant milestone was reached in the long-standing conflict in South Sudan. The government of South Sudan and various rebel opposition groups convened in Kenya for high-level mediation talks and signed a “commitment declaration” for lasting peace.1This agreement, described as a “first milestone” by Kenya’s foreign office, represents a critical step forward in the efforts to finally end the violence and instability that has crippled South Sudan’s economy and claimed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.1The rebel opposition groups that signed the declaration were not part of the 2018 peace agreement that previously sought to resolve the country’s five-year civil war, which left 400,000 people dead and millions displaced.13 The signing ceremony, attended by diplomats, civil society groups, and senior government officials, marked a renewed commitment by all parties to support efforts to end the ongoing hostilities and work towards promoting peace and stability in South Sudan.2As South Sudan prepares to hold elections in December, this agreement provides a glimmer of hope that the country can finally overcome the deep-rooted political, ethnic, and security challenges that have plagued it since its independence in 2011.1

Kenyan Mediation and the “Tumaini” Initiative

The high-level mediation talks in Kenya were led by former Kenyan army commander Lazarus Sumbeiywo, and have been dubbed the “Tumaini” (Swahili for “hope”) Initiative.13 This reflects the deep involvement of Kenya, a key regional player, in facilitating the peace process and providing a platform for the warring parties to come together and negotiate. South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir expressed his gratitude to his Kenyan counterpart, William Ruto, for hosting the negotiations, which began a week prior to the signing ceremony.1The Kenyan government’s foreign office emphasized the importance of the parties upholding their commitment to end the violence and work towards lasting stability in the country.1

Bridging Divides and Forging a Path Forward

The signing of the commitment declaration represents a significant milestone, but the road to lasting peace in South Sudan remains fraught with challenges. The rebel opposition groups that participated in the talks were not part of the 2018 peace agreement, underscoring the continued fragmentation and divisions within the country’s political landscape.1Kenya’s principal secretary of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs, Abraham Korir Sing’oei, stressed the need for the parties to prioritize justice, governance, economic growth, and security sector reforms to achieve long-term stability in South Sudan.2 This suggests that the commitment declaration is just the first step in a complex and multifaceted process of reconciliation, reconstruction, and institutional reform. The leader of the South Sudanese government delegation, Albino Mathom, acknowledged the importance of “home-grown solutions” in addressing regional conflicts, and urged the parties to open a “new chapter of renewed hope, peace and justice.”2Similarly, the spokesperson for the South Sudanese opposition groups, Pagan Amum Okiech, expressed optimism that the agreement would usher in a “new era of durable peace, unity and respect for political pluralism.”2

Cautious Optimism and the Path Ahead

The signing of the commitment declaration is a significant development in the long-standing conflict in South Sudan, but it is essential to maintain a cautious optimism. The country’s political and security landscape remains fragile, and the implementation of past peace agreements has been uneven and often undermined by continued violence and instability.1The Rome-based Sant’Egidio Community, which had previously facilitated peace talks between the South Sudanese government and non-signatory opposition groups, had to adjourn the negotiations in March 2023 due to disagreements over the agenda.2 This underscores the challenges that still lie ahead and the need for sustained diplomatic efforts and goodwill from all parties involved.

As South Sudan prepares for elections in December, the success of this latest peace initiative will be critical in determining the country’s political trajectory and its ability to address the deep-rooted issues that have fueled the conflict. The commitment declaration signed in Kenya represents a glimmer of hope, but much work remains to be done to translate this agreement into lasting peace and stability for the people of South Sudan.

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