Uhuru Kenyatta Accuses State House of Denying Him Funds to Run His Office: “Fuel Cards Were Blocked

Denial of Funds and Blocked Fuel Cards Cripple Uhuru Kenyatta’s Office

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta has accused the current Kenyan administration under President William Ruto of depriving his office of the necessary funds required to operate effectively. This has resulted in the blocking of fuel cards used by Kenyatta and his wife, Mama Ngina Kenyatta, forcing them to cover fuel expenses from their personal resources.

Frustrations by State House

According to Kenyatta’s spokesperson, Kanze Dena, the Office of the Fourth President has been subject to constant frustration by the State House, which has denied the office the funds it is legally entitled to. Dena stated that despite the legal requirement for the office to receive the necessary funding, the State House has been unwilling to provide the allocated resources.

Blocked Fuel Cards and Old Vehicles

Kanze Dena highlighted that the fuel cards used by both Uhuru Kenyatta and Mama Ngina Kenyatta have been blocked since March 2023, compelling them to personally cover fuel expenses for their vehicles. Furthermore, the vehicles currently in use by the former president are not new, but rather those that were used during his administration.

Reliance on Personal Funds

The denial of funds and the blocking of fuel cards have forced Uhuru Kenyatta and his wife to rely on their personal resources to fund the operations of the office, including paying staff allowances and maintaining the vehicles. Dena stated that the former president has been compelled to finance the office’s activities from his own pocket due to the lack of support from the State House.

Staffing Challenges

The lack of funding has also had a significant impact on the office’s staffing. Kanze Dena revealed that the contracts of two key staff members, the communications director, Kanze Dena Mararo, and the administrator, George Kariuki, have not been renewed. This has left the former president’s office struggling to maintain its operations with the limited staff available.

Budget Allocation Issues

In the financial year 2022/2023, the office was allocated 655 million Kenyan Shillings, but only 28 million Shillings were accessed, primarily for allowances related to domestic travel and two international trips. For the financial year 2023/2024, the office was allocated 503 million Kenyan Shillings, but the funds have not been provided. This accumulated budget deficit of nearly one billion Kenyan Shillings over two years has crippled the office’s ability to function effectively.

Uncertainty over Future Funding

Looking ahead, the budget allocation for the 2024/2025 financial year is set at 579 million Kenyan Shillings. However, the office of the retired president is uncertain whether these funds will be disbursed, given the previous issues with accessing the allocated resources.

Lack of Accountability and Transparency

The office has also faced difficulties in obtaining budget returns from the State House Comptroller, Katoo Ole Metito, who serves as the accounting officer. Despite repeated requests, the office has not been provided with transparency regarding the use of the allocated funds.

Conversion of Servant Quarters into Offices

Due to the unresponsiveness of the State House, Uhuru Kenyatta has been forced to convert the servant quarters in his private residence into offices to accommodate the duties and responsibilities of the Office of the Fourth President.

Security Withdrawal and Staff Intimidation

In addition to the financial challenges, the office has also faced issues with security. Kanze Dena revealed that security officers attached to Mama Ngina Kenyatta were recalled in July 2023 and have not been reinstated. Furthermore, the office has reported incidents of staff receiving threats from unknown mobile numbers, even at midnight.

Strained Relationship between Kenyatta and Ruto

The latest developments surrounding the operations of the Office of the Retired President highlight the deteriorating relationship between Uhuru Kenyatta and his successor, William Ruto. As the Deputy President during Kenyatta’s tenure, Ruto endured humiliation, including the withdrawal of his elite GSU security from his official residence. The tensions between the two leaders have escalated since Ruto’s election as president, with Kenyatta accusing the current administration of intimidating his staff and denying his office the necessary resources.

Inconsistencies in Government Statements

The issues faced by Uhuru Kenyatta’s office have been marked by inconsistencies in the government’s statements. While government spokesperson Isaac Mwaura claimed that the state had honored all of Uhuru’s pension dues and provided him with new vehicles, Kanze Dena refuted these claims, stating that the vehicles used by the former president are old and that his fuel cards have been blocked.

Uhuru Kenyatta’s Peacekeeping Role

The former president’s office has emphasized that Uhuru Kenyatta’s role as a facilitator of the EAC-led DRC peace mission requires an elaborate secretariat, which has been a source of contention with the current administration. The denial of funds and the lack of support have hindered Kenyatta’s ability to effectively fulfill his regional and international responsibilities.

The denial of funds to Uhuru Kenyatta’s office raises legal implications, as it appears to be in violation of the Presidential Retirement Benefits Act, which stipulates the entitlements and provisions for a retired president. Kenyatta has questioned why he is being discriminated against, as other beneficiaries of the retirement perks, including his predecessors and former Vice Presidents, have been allowed to choose their own office spaces

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