The Unsung Voices of a Generation: Unpacking the Protests Against Kenya’s Finance Bill

“The future is not ours to see, but the voices of the unheard can shape it.” As the sun rose over the bustling streets of Nairobi, a new generation of…

Fred Omondi, Younger Brother of Eric Omondi, Passes Away in Road Accident

Kenyan comedian Fred Omondi, the younger brother of renowned comedian Eric Omondi, has tragically passed away. Fred was reportedly involved in a road accident on Friday night and was rushed…

Betty Kyallo’s Blush and Bena Wa Malines’ Confession: A Tangled Tale of Celebrity Crushes

Recent reports suggest that media personality Betty Kyallo was left blushing after a confession made by Kenyan comedian Bena Wa Malines.1It appears that Bena Wa Malines, known for his comedic…

Top Kenyan Celebrity Couples and Their Social Media Presence

Kenyan entertainment industry has witnessed some of the most captivating and inspiring celebrity couples over the years. These power couples have not only captivated the hearts of their fans but…