The Troubling Case of Ian Njoroge: A Lesson in Responsibility and Consequences

The Incident and Its Aftermath The recent incident involving 19-year-old Ian Njoroge has sparked outrage and concern across Kenyan society. Njoroge, the son of a teacher, is accused of viciously…

Overview of US Funding for Kenya Police

The United States Department of State has committed Ksh920 million to support the modernization and capacity-building of the Kenya National Police Service. This significant investment aims to strengthen the capabilities…

Cannabis Doesn’t Make You As Creative As You Think It Does

In the world of creativity and innovation, the relationship between cannabis and artistic expression has long been a topic of fascination. From musicians to writers, comedians to entrepreneurs, many have…

Baringo: Man Allegedly Kills His 23-Year-Old Brother Following Domestic Dispute

Details: Simple Fight over Cow Turns Tragic as Man Kills Brother in Baringo Baringo – Police in Baringo county have launched investigations following the death of a 23-year-old man in Seretunin…