Jeff ff Koinange Claims to not know what Fuliza is Claims to not know what Fuliza is

Jeff Koinange, on his morning show on Hot 96, Had a conversation with his radio partner Patrick Igunza where the topic of MPESA Was brought up. Here’s how the conversation went:

Igunza: “wewe ni msee wa MPESA, ama wee ni msee wa kuswipe?”

Koinange: “yes I do (use MPESA)”

Igunza: “do you use Fuliza?”

Koinange: “who?”

Igunza: “Fuliza”

Koinange: “huyo ni nani? Bro najua MPESA bana”

After that, Igunza had to explain the whole concept of Fuliza to Jeff. You can see the whole exchange below

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