Kenya’s role in peace-making and conflict resolution, focusing on the deployment of Kenyan police officers to Haiti.

Now, let’s expand on each section: In recent years, the global community has witnessed an increasing need for international cooperation in peacekeeping and conflict resolution. Among the nations stepping up…

“We Call It British Boys Behaving Badly,” a Human Rights Body Says

When the phrase “British boys behaving badly” is uttered by a respected human rights body, it stirs an unsettling sentiment that reflects more profound societal issues. These aren’t just mischiefs…

Overview of the Chang’e-6 Mission

The Chang’e-6 mission is a groundbreaking endeavor by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) to collect and return samples from the far side of the Moon, a feat never before…

The Gaza Ceasefire Plan: A Deadly Game of Survival

​The conflict between Israel and the Palestinian factions in Gaza has been a long-standing and deeply complex issue, with both sides vying for control and the upper hand. The latest…

Claudia Sheinbaum’s Historic Victory and the Significance for Women in Mexican Politics

Sheinbaum’s Groundbreaking Election as Mexico’s First Female President ​Claudia Sheinbaum’s election as the first female president of Mexico marks a significant milestone in the country’s political history. Her victory symbolizes…

Orbán’s Stronghold: Massive Rally Demonstrates Unwavering Support in Hungary

In a remarkable display of political might, the Hungarian capital of Budapest witnessed the gathering of tens of thousands of supporters rallying behind Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, just a week…

Santander Suffers Major Data Breach: Millions of Customers and Staff Impacted

Earlier this year, Santander, one of the world’s largest financial institutions, fell victim to a significant cyberattack that compromised the personal data of millions of its customers and employees. According…

Early Life and Political Awakening

Julius Sello Malema was born in 1981 in the rural village of Seshego, Limpopo Province, South Africa. Raised by his single mother, Malema’s early life was marked by poverty and…

Origins and Evolution of Pan-Africanism

Pan-Africanism can be traced back to the struggles of African people against enslavement and colonization, dating as far back as the first resistance on slave ships in the form of…

French and German Leaders’ Position on Ukraine’s Right to Self-Defense

The Context of Western Weaponry Use The Escalation Dilemma Different Approaches by France and Germany International Law and Ukraine’s Right to Self-Defense The Political Complexities of Western Support Militarily Relevant…