Bahati: From Holy Bars to Hitting on Likes – Kenya’s Gospel Gone Rogue?

Bahati, Kenya’s former boy wonder of gospel music, has taken a more “interesting” career path than a rogue rogue with a bad GPS. Remember those days when his music was so squeaky clean you could practically mop your church floor with it? Yeah, those were the times.

Now, Bahati’s career trajectory looks more like a poorly planned rollercoaster ride – starting with soulful gospel hymns, taking a sharp turn into secular jams, and ending up in a social media circus that would make a Kardashian blush. Buckle up, saints and sinners, because we’re about to dissect Bahati’s holy-to-hipster metamorphosis.

From Robes to Rom-Coms: Bahati started out belting out bangers about faith and finding solace in the divine. He was the Justin Bieber of the Kenyan holy scene, minus theskirting controversy (well, at least back then). Fast forward a few years, and Bahati’s rocking ripped jeans and serenading his wife in music videos that would make Mary Magdalene raise an eyebrow. Did someone forget to tell him gospel doesn’t usually involve slow jams in bathtubs full of rose petals?

The Like-ening: Let’s not forget Bahati’s newfound love for the online limelight. His social media presence is like a never-ending reality show, documented with enough filters to make even Snapchat jealous. From posting playdates with his kids (because let’s face it, everyone needs a break from the profound gospel messages) to staged arguments with his wife (because publicity is publicity, right?), Bahati has mastered the art of turning his life into clickbait.

The Verdict: So, is Bahati a fallen angel of the gospel world or a marketing genius who figured out how to stay relevant? We’ll leave that to the theologians and social media analysts. One thing’s for sure, Bahati’s career shift is sure to keep tongues wagging (and maybe eyes rolling) for years to come. Just remember, folks, there’s nothing wrong with a little change, but maybe next time Bahati goes rogue, he can pick a direction that doesn’t involve questionable online antics. Kenya’s internet has enough drama already!

Kihiko Jay

Jay Kihiko is a web developer with a knack for creative expression. When he's not crafting innovative websites, he's rocking out to music, cheering on his favorite sports team, or channeling his passions into engaging content. This well-rounded perspective fuels his approach to web development, where he strives to build user-friendly interfaces and write compelling content that resonates with users. you can reach me on

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