Willy Paul Drops the Mic (And Maybe the Holy Robe): Blasts Fake Gospel Industry, Finds Salvation in Secular Beats

Hold onto your hymnals, folks, because Willy Paul (aka Pozee) is bringing the fire (and it’s not the Holy Spirit kind). In a recent interview with the Mic Check podcast, Pozee went full prophet, calling out hypocrisy and inauthenticity within the Kenyan gospel industry.

Apparently, the path to salvation wasn’t paved with gospel tunes for Willy P. He credits finding himself through the power of…wait for it…secular music! That’s right, folks, it seems Willy Paul found his groove (and maybe a new record deal) with a healthy dose of Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

Now, before you dust off your vuvuzelas and declare this a national crisis, let’s unpack this with a side of laughter. Here’s the thing: Willy Paul has always been a bit of a musical maverick. Remember that time he donned angel wings in a video? Yeah, the dude marched to the beat of his own drum (or should we say, drum machine?).

So, his shift to secular music might be less about a religious awakening and more about embracing his authentic, booty-shaking self. Let’s face it, the man can move! Maybe those altar calls just weren’t getting his heart racing like a banging bassline.

Things got real for Pozee when he hit a rough patch. He reached out to his “spiritual family” for support, only to be met with crickets. These folks, who he believed were devoted to God’s work, were apparently more interested in counting coins than counseling souls. Feeling ostracized by the gospel community and trolled online, Pozee made a decisive move: he peaced out.

But where did he find solace? Enter Muthoni Drummer Queen and Nyashinski, Kenyan secular music royalty, who encouraged Pozee to stay true to himself. He credits this switch, and his embrace of the “bwana mkunaji” persona, with allowing him to finally become the authentic Willy Pozee we see today.

Pozee has become a chart-topping force in the “254” (Kenya’s country code, for those unfamiliar), and his latest album, “Beyond Gifted,” is already a streaming sensation.

So, the next time you hear Willy Paul on the radio, don’t be surprised if it’s a club banger instead of a hymn. Just crank it up, raise your hands (or throw them in the air if that’s more your style), and celebrate Willy Paul’s journey to finding himself, even if it wasn’t on the path most expected.

Kihiko Jay

Jay Kihiko is a web developer with a knack for creative expression. When he's not crafting innovative websites, he's rocking out to music, cheering on his favorite sports team, or channeling his passions into engaging content. This well-rounded perspective fuels his approach to web development, where he strives to build user-friendly interfaces and write compelling content that resonates with users. you can reach me on talktojay@2chanuane.co.ke

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