Ruto announces cash relief for 40,000 households displaced by floods in Nairobi

How much each household will receive in Ruto’s cash relief program for flood victims

President William Ruto has announced that the government will give approximately 40,000 households displaced by the heavy rains and floods a cash award to kick-start their journey of rebuilding their homes.

President Ruto spoke in Kiamaiko, Mathare slums, where he visited residents on Monday, May 6.

The head of state explained that each of the 40,000 displaced households in Nairobi would receive Sh10,000 for relocation.

“Every household of the 40,000 households that have been displaced in Nairobi, every household will be paid Sh10,000 so that they can find alternative accommodation as we plan for their future as a government so that every Kenyan has a place to call home,” he said.

The households will receive the stipend for three months as the government works on a resettlement program.

The head of state thanked residents who had heeded the government advisory to move to high ground, saying it has helped save many lives.

“That money will not be stolen, if they try they shall face me,” he added.

President Ruto took the opportunity to push his affordable housing agenda, saying that the program would be used to resettle those who were displaced by the floods.

He directed the Department of Housing to start the construction of 5,000 affordable social housing units in Kiamaiko.

“In Kibera, we are also putting up 5,000. In Kasarani, we will add 10,000 units. This week we will announce the construction of 20,000 units in Nairobi,” President Ruto said.

He added that all Kenyans deserve to live in decent houses that are dignified.

The head of state promised those affected that the government would continue providing food to those affected.

He also committed to the government’s support in providing non-food items to the affected families. He also said that the government would allocate Sh1 billion to rebuild schools that have been destroyed by the heavy rains.

Following the indefinite suspension of school reopening, some of the institutions have been used as shelters to accommodate displaced households.

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