Overview of Luxury Safari Lodges in Kenya

Kenya is renowned for its exceptional safari experiences, offering travelers unparalleled opportunities to witness the breathtaking natural wonders and diverse wildlife of the country. Among the various accommodation options available,…

William Ruto Says He’s Been Summoned by Men’s Conference Days after Holding Rachel’s Hand in US

Summary President William Ruto and his wife, First Lady Mama Rachel Ruto, displayed their affection for each other during their recent visit to the United States. Ruto was seen holding…

Overview of US Funding for Kenya Police

The United States Department of State has committed Ksh920 million to support the modernization and capacity-building of the Kenya National Police Service. This significant investment aims to strengthen the capabilities…

Raila Odinga’s Bid for African Union Commission Chairperson

Kenya has initiated a shuttle diplomacy effort to secure the candidature of Raila Odinga, the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition party leader, for the position of Chairperson of the…

French and German Leaders’ Position on Ukraine’s Right to Self-Defense

The Context of Western Weaponry Use The Escalation Dilemma Different Approaches by France and Germany International Law and Ukraine’s Right to Self-Defense The Political Complexities of Western Support Militarily Relevant…

Overview of the Muguka Ban

Despite the recent reversal of the muguka ban by President William Ruto, there are still ongoing tensions and debates surrounding the regulation of this stimulant crop in Kenya. The dispute…

Nairobi Governor Sakaja Takes on Gachagua as UDA Fallout Persists

In the dynamic political landscape of Kenya, the recent tensions between Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua have captured the nation’s attention. As the fallout within the…

Saida Boj Loses TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook Accounts After Controversial Statements

Saida Boj, a popular social media influencer, has faced backlash and the subsequent loss of her accounts on major platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. This occurred shortly after…

Cannabis Doesn’t Make You As Creative As You Think It Does

In the world of creativity and innovation, the relationship between cannabis and artistic expression has long been a topic of fascination. From musicians to writers, comedians to entrepreneurs, many have…

AI Creates Excitement and Worry at Digital Festival in Berlin

The annual Digital Festival in Berlin, a mecca for tech enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, has once again captivated the global spotlight. This year, the event was marked by a…